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Anne Woodland
House District 79

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Environmental protection advocate.  Education and child safety proponent. Wife and Mother.

I am motivated to run for state office in HD79. During the last legislative session, I worked as the House Bills Coordinator and Committee Clerk. I got to be a part of the daily floor sessions where bills were debated and votes were cast. I witnessed representatives working together to provide meaningful results. I am interested in being a thoughtful, informed, and reasonable representative, to prevent further division between the two major parties. I am a believer in voting your conscience over voting your party line. Our state is facing many challenges in the face of recent rapid growth and we need to keep an eye on the horizon as we navigate these challenges.


Prior to working for the legislature, I worked over 20 years in environmental consulting with an emphasis on human health and ecological risk assessment. I worked on calculating risks to humans from exposure to environmental contaminants. For example, drinking arsenic and uranium in a residential well, that originate naturally from groundwater can present excess risks to residents in the Helena area. An understanding of environmental toxicology has made me an advocate for safer water sources, especially when it comes to children. Their developing bodies are more susceptible to the effects of contaminants such as lead in drinking water and soil.


As a native of western South Dakota, I grew up in a town that looks and feels a lot like Helena. My husband and I have called Helena home since 2005 and we have grown some deep roots in that time. Our youngest child was born at St. Peter’s Hospital and both of our children went through the public schools. Our oldest is in college at the University of Montana.


I welcome the opportunity to serve my home district and state. I am also looking forward to meeting the folks in HD79 to find out the issues that are most important to them.

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Child Safety

Respect for All

Subsequent to the lead in drinking water testing and remediation work that has been performed in the public schools recently, similar testing is needed for daycare and preschool facilities. There is no safe level of lead in drinking water and children are much more susceptible to the hazards of lead. I am interested in working on this issue as a legislator.   


In a legal recreational marijuana community, we have a responsibility to educate everyone, but especially minors about the risks of using marijuana, as it is packaged as cookies, brownies and candy. I don't believe we have done enough yet to inform people about varying THC concentrations across products and safe limits for ingestion.

Reproductive Rights

Not many things can change the course of a woman’s life like the news that she is pregnant. Deciding the path forward is a very personal decision that should be made by each individual. Pregnant women of all ages need access to the best healthcare available, so they can understand their options and make the decision that is right for them. This includes access to safe and legal abortions.

Let's reverse the trends of division and hate that have increased in recent years and find a way back to decorum and respect for those who are different from us. We have a long way to go in this arena to get back to a middle ground.


I am interested in legislation that creates fair policies across a broad range of people. When specific groups are targeted or named in bills, that's a red flag. Living in a free country means freedom for all groups. I will support legislation that is rooted in fair and equal treatment.

Community Service


Cohesion Dance Project

I have served on the Board of Cohesion Dance Project as both the Treasurer and President. Cohesion is a local non-profit that provides dance and movement classes and performance opportunities for people of all ages, abilities, and experience: a truly inclusive environment. In addition, they conduct outreach to school age kids, nursing homes, and groups that serve disabilities and special needs.


Public Montessori

I served on the Helena Public Montessori Parents Board. Our public schools are well served by having Montessori classrooms alongside traditional classrooms. I am a strong believer in the benefits of a Montessori education, especially for small children. I have seen firsthand how kids engage with Montessori teaching tools, from math blocks to chopping pickles to sweeping and mopping. The setting allows them to choose an activity and settle into it, developing real focus and self-guided learning skills.

Last Chance Nordic Ski Club

I served as the Treasurer of the Last Chance Nordic Ski Club. I can’t say enough good things about this volunteer-led group of cross-country ski enthusiasts and the ski terrain that they provide. The Club grooms and maintains the trails at MacDonald Pass and the Bill Roberts Golf Course. They also run a youth program to get kids involved.


Please contact Anne. She is interested in the issues that you want addressed!

Questions or suggestions on policy?


PO Box 4027

Helena, MT 59604



Paid for by Woodland4Montana

Democrat for HD79

Eric Woodland Treasurer

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